Thursday, January 8, 2009

More Wal-Mart and a lovely breakfast!

Obviously my New Year's resolution was not to blog more. This is my first of the year. I have been busy trying to get back to "normal". I put it in quotes because I'm not really sure what normal is for us now with three kids. Yesterday felt like a very successful day for 3 reasons. #1- I got to take a shower by myself in peace. #2- I went to Wal-Mart with Ava and Molly Kate and made it out of the store with only one meltdown per child. (I will elaborate more in a moment.) #3- I got the groceries unloaded and put up before anything frozen melted! Wal-Mart is an adventure with two little ones. I talked Ava into getting one of the giant carts with the two seat thing on the front so she could sit in it. It was new so she thought it was exciting. I felt like I was wheeling some giant, industrial cart around, I was just glad that she wasn't running loose putting random items into my cart. I checked out once and found a tube of Aspercream in the basket. I do not use Aspercream and have never purchased it. Ava told me she picked out a new toothpaste for her and that's how it got there. The excitement of the new cart didn't last very long and I eventually had to buckle Ava down so she would quit trying to escape. This of course resulted in a mini meltdown followed by glares and looks of disdain from other shoppers. Molly Kate decided she was hungry in the middle of our shopping even though she had just eaten before we went. We quickly went to the dressing room and I asked the lady if I could use a dressing room to feed the baby. She looked at me like I was crazy and then decided to let me in the smallest room available. I tried to distract Ava with reading a book she brought but she was more fascinated with the feeding process like she'd never seen me feed Molly Kate before. She kept announcing very loudly "Molly is eating your booby, Mom!" (Sorry if this is an overshare, but I thought it was pretty funny...not so much at the time, but now I can laugh about it.) We finished the feeding, finished the shopping and made it out without too much more drama.

Today, Ava decided she wanted to cook me breakfast. She got a little kitchen for Christmas and has been making oatmeal and coffee for us everyday. So here are some snapshots of our lovely breakfast. Daddy was invited too. So were her Bee and Nemo Pez dispensers. She's a big fan of Pez right now.

Daddy is enjoying his oatmeal.
Ava is praying for breakfast.
Nemo and Bee are having a nice time.


mandal said...

Oh my gosh...funny! I have had my share of dressing room feedings too!! Pictures are cutie!

Denae said...

So funny!! I never asked if I could use the dressing room, I just took a bunch of clothes in to pretend I actually was trying on clothes....I can see how that wouldn't work with a talking child in there too. I will have to come with a different strategy for the next one. Maybe I will just tell Will that I am "trying on clothes" everytime I breastfeed at home so that it won't be a problem when we go out. haha.

Fortner Family said...

I love the picture's of your breakfast. I especially the one of Ava praying over her breakfast. She is a cutie!!

Sarah said...

Ava is quite the comedian! LOL, I love that she like to buy toothpaste and announce to everyone at Wal-mart that her mom is feeding her baby sister!! I can't wait to see you, call me if you are here in Feb.

Jennifer said...

Man that kid is entertaining! Really, Leslie- she MUST be a character for a children's series. Holly's always looking for ideas for children's books- so I'm sending her over to you so you guys can start immediately!!

And love your hair...I've been able to see if here and there and it's totally fantastic!

The Louders said...

Oh gosh, I'm home alone and have seriously been entertained by your post...laughing out loud for sure.
Oh, your stories are the best.

CONNIE said...

Thank you for continuing to blog! I know it must be challenging with 3 kids! Ruth told me I needed to read your blog this morning at church and it did not disappoint. You make me laugh so hard. I hope you have a relaxing Sunday!