What's been happening in the Rich household?
Alan and I waiting outside to get in!
Love these girls!
We have great friends. Patrick was squatting so he could be in the picture, and we could not stop laughing at him.
Hooray for awesome worship with Hillsong United!!!
Now that school is back in session, I am trying to get really scheduled in many areas of my life. I will admit I have not always been Mom-of-the year when it comes to school mornings. I used to be very anti-getting out of bed before 8 am. My husband would get up and get Taylor in the shower, dry her hair when she got out and took her to school. All while I was usually snuggled up in my bed. Well, this year, no more!! I have decided that when the alarm goes off at 6:15, I'm getting up. Last week, I thought it would be so hard, but I honestly loved it! The quiet was so amazing! I would get up, get Taylor in the shower, make myself a cup of tea and just sit and read or pray and enjoy the total silence in my house. This is such a rarity!!! My plan is to keep it up! I am now on a mission to find a time to work out on a regular basis. If I will put it into my routine I can do it. I just have to make myself do it!
Taylor on the first day of school. My big 4th grader!
What does Leslie do with all her time now that she's not working??
What does Leslie do with all her time now that she's not working??
Funny you should ask! I am really enjoying my life right now. I am once again excited about writing music. I have always had a love/hate relationship with songwriting, and right now I'm in the love zone. I think because I've made it part of my routine I am enjoying it more. Am I the only one who can't focus on things unless everything is taken care of and I don't have to worry about anything else during that designated time? I have found that if I want to work on music I can't just drop everything and do it whenever I get an idea or feel inspired. I have to set aside time, get a babysitter or let Alan occupy the girls so I can just focus on whatever ideas I have at the time. So far, it seems to be working. I'm really excited that the little girls will start Children's Day Out next week so I will have lots of time to work on music!!
What am I looking forward to in the next few weeks??
1. Ava's 3rd birthday! I can't believe my little girl is almost 3!! Where does the time go?? This week I have to get everything ready for her Dora birthday party.
2. Leading praise and worship! I'm going to be helping out the worship team at Church on the Rock Labor Day weekend. I am also leading for the COTR Women's conference September 18th-19th. I am really excited about it! I know God has some great things in store for both of these weekends and I'm excited to be a part of it!
3. Pajama Party!! During the COTR Women's Conference I am hosting a Pajama Party for all of the Jr. High and High School girls on Friday night! I am really excited to do this. I really have a heart for these girls because I know how hard it can be to be a teenage girl. I was once there!! I will be talking about friendship, and we are just going to have lots of fun. I have asked some of my friends to help me with it and I can't wait to see what all God does!!
4. Road trip to Dallas!! I am going to meet my cousin Angie in Dallas in a few weeks for some shopping, catching up, and some fun!! The really exciting part is that I get to go all by myself!!! I am super jazzed about having some alone time on the drive and spending time with Angie. Thanks to my wonderful husband for letting me go! He's really excited to keep the girls. He's such a great dad. I can't guarantee that they will have a bath everyday or that they will eat anything healthy while I'm gone, but I've just learned that as long as they're having fun and bonding, that's ok.
Finally, I will leave you with a few pictures of what's been going on. Some are of our fun, quick trip to Dallas last week. Alan and I went with some friends to see Hillsong United. It was super fun, and of course the concert was amazing!!
That is the sweetest picture of Molly sleeping! And Ava already three...wow time does fly by. You have three beautiful girls!!!
Taylor is so grown up and so beautiful!!! Can't wait to see you in a few weeks. Woo-hoo!
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